Today we’d like to introduce you to Chris Harris.
Tell us about what you’re working on at the moment that you would love the world to know about. Give us as much detail as possible!
Phase Selling for Additive Manufacturing is the only sales process and methodology developed specifically for the 3D Printer market. As an industry insider with a proven track record of success, I created this concise system of selling to provide sales professionals with a detailed roadmap for achieving and exceeding their performance quotas.
Diligently following the rules and guidelines of my Phase Selling methodology provided me with a significant competitive advantage, quickly elevating me to the top tier of 3D Printer sales reps. I am now teaching this specialized and highly effective process to sales professionals from around the world. The success that I want for myself, I want for everyone who is willing to do the work!
Is there anyone in your life you’d like to shout out that has helped you get to where you are? How have they helped you?
Immediately upon graduating from Bethel High School in Tipp City, Ohio in 1985, I enlisted in the United States Air Force. Getting from the Dayton, Ohio area to Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio as an untraveled 18-year-old made for a very long day. All I took with me were the clothes on my back, whatever would fit in my small gym bag, and a $20 bill. From the moment I stepped off the bus and onto the base, my highly trained drill sergeant was there to greet me with the intensity of a tsunami.
Over the next few months, with his Smokey the Bear hat, his perfectly pressed uniform, and his highly polished boots, he shaped me and my squadron of 52 airmen like a master swordsmith forges a new blade. Never relenting, he pounded away—heating, bending, and hammering us, each and every day. Looking back, serving my country would prove to be the hardest yet most formidable years of my life. God bless the United States Military for giving me a solid place to land and for teaching me to be a responsible man with a strong work ethic. I will forever remain grateful.
Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with our audience?
Do you have a gift, talent, or expert power that you have passed on to another person? If so, you have taken an important step toward duplicating that unique part of yourself and planted the seeds for it to evolve beyond you. This is a wonderful way to leave behind an inheritance with your fingerprint on it. We learn something; we share it; we watch it grow. Do you paint?
Can you play an instrument? Are you great with numbers? Can you build a website or coach a sport? Whatever your expert power is, whatever your passion is, find someone with an ear to listen and a desire to learn—and begin making the transfer. Find a way to replicate your greatest strengths in the lives of those who are eager to do the work and watch what happens!
Finally, how can people connect with you and learn more about what you do?
The best way to connect with me is through my website: