Today we’d like to introduce you to Charisma Carson.
Tell us about what you’re working on at the moment that you would love the world to know about. Give us as much detail as possible!
I’m currently overwhelmed with joy to be working on a project with my international team. We’ve built some traction in the U.K. and my team Over there is really rocking it out. Our projects are called “Smart,” SmartCubeTV and Smart Wealth University. We pride on working life Smart and not hard.
Is there anyone in your life you’d like to shout out that has helped you get to where you are? How have they helped you?
Yes Indeed, I have so many that have helped me tremendously along the way. So I would hate to leave anyone out because I had 5 key players in this. I really, really thank my Coach though Robert Carrow for helping me see the best in me and my future. Sometimes in life we get stuck and we come to a place where we need a little redirection and he was definitely that person for me. So Shout out to Robert Carrow an amazing life coach.
Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with our audience?
Yes for sure, don’t let anyone tell you that your dreams are not realistic. Everything can be realistic with systems and a great plan in place.
Finally, how can people connect with you and learn more about what you do?
Instagram CharismaCarson
My DM’s are always open.