Carlos D’Arezzo, known as “Zolrak,” and José Monge, known as “Durkon,” are two professionals who have dedicated years to fusing art, mysticism and the extrasensory. Both, with extraordinary careers, are creating an unsurpassed legacy in the world of spirituality.
In a conversation with Carlos D’ Arezzo, known as “Zolrak,” he shared with us how his spiritual journey began at a young age. At 6 or 7 years old, without looking for it, he began to have contact with the spiritual world. This process, initially private, manifested externally when he would enter a trance and reveal accurate information about the people around him. Despite initial doubts from his family, the authenticity of his abilities was irrefutably proven.
Carlos D’Arezzo took his first concrete step into the spiritual world by immersing himself in Kardecist spiritualism, based on the teachings of Allan Kardec. This controlled, mental, and Christian approach provided a solid, philosophical foundation for developing his abilities. His formal education included studies in mysticism, shamanism, spirituality, parapsychology, and astrology. Throughout his journey, he connected with African philosophical and religious doctrines, enriching his understanding and commitment to good.
In short, Carlos D’ Arezzo “Zolrak” has taken his spiritual gift from an early childhood to a diversified educational and experiential journey, fusing formal learning with intuition and spiritual wisdom. His focus is on goodness, moral responsibility, and a commitment to using his abilities for the benefit of all.