
Candid Conversations with Thought Leader Dr. Monique Flemings

Today we’d like to introduce you to Monique Flemings .

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I have served in numerous leadership capacities since the age of 7 years old. My real journey began when I graduated from Physical Therapy school entering my dream profession and stepped into ministerial school almost simultaneously. At that time in my life, I was presented with the opportunity to make a choice between my career or ministry. There was no way that you could actually do both well, so I was told. This was the beginning of my evolution of the woman that I am today.

I spent numerous years trying to separate my brilliance. I was a leader in my career and a leader in ministry and the two shall never meet. That was my mantra, causing me to create an inauthentic space that was sucking the life from me. I was equally passionate about preaching the gospel and full of compassion for health care disparities as a physical therapist and educational biases that limited access to higher education to marginalized people.

When I finally embraced my authentic self, I learned how to marry my passions and be comfortable in my my skin. I found my rhythm and then I started teaching other women leaders , how they could have the same peace and make money without choosing one grace over the other.

I am a 20 x international best selling author, international speaker and coach for women leaders. physical therapy educator, entrepreneur and philanthropist. A physical therapist for over 30 years, I serve my profession in higher education.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

The biggest challenge was restructuring my mindset that impeded my confidence. I was internally paralyzed with self limitations that I carried for years. Even as a leader, I struggled with fear and self limiting beliefs that impacted my ability to show up for myself. I thought I was showing up for my clients but in reality, I was unable to show up for them or myself. Mindset is the critical engine in success and must be addressed.

I have created tools that support my mindset pivot to increase clarity, confidence and my coins. I connected with a coach that challenged my mindset and how I valued my worth. The mindset work was crucial and the missing ingredient for my success. This is why I teach this so hard now because I understand the importance of this foundational ingredient.

Now, I coach and mentor women leaders using these strategies to implement in their careers or in their business life. Becoming free in my mindset has allowed me to coach and mentor over 40 new and emerging authors in moving from procrastination to published. Having clarity and confidence in my abilities has taken my business and my career life to unbelievable levels of success.

When mindset work is omitted comes back to haunt your success. Do the work early so that you have strategies in your arsenal ready for war.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I specialize in curating spaces for professional faith based women leaders to increase their clarity , confidence and their coins. Through using their God- abilities, brilliance women leaders create profitable streams of income from using what’s in their hands. My gift is not only to pull out my clients God abilities, but curate income producing ideas that are unique for my clients. I have taken my clients to 5 figures in 60 days using their natural abilities.

I provide the same in the corporate space, I train women leaders in leadership mindset strategies that is profitable for them and their employers. Recognizing the struggles of women leaders, I provide functional solutions to support their success.

I am the leadership coach for women that are ready to manifest and make money in their career or their business. I take 30 years of proven leadership experience and pour into my clients unique solutions.

As a diverse speaker, I have served as a speaker for the following-leadership, mindset work, transitions, autism mom , professional development and physical therapy profession.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

I have three words to share when it comes to success. Let’s call it my success formula – invest, Implementation and imagination.

I would strongly recommend that you invest in your future. Where do you see yourself in the future? Invest your time, your finances and your commitment to your future self. I think too often, many want the short cut without the investment. That means that you may need a coach but you need to carve out time to commit to the strategies that have been recommended for your success. The results will not come just because you sat in a coaching session. Time commitment investment is essential.

I ask my clients how much time are they willing to commit to implement the tools and strategies that they receive? Do not come and collect great notes, but come ready to implement within 48 hours of hearing a strategy. That is so important. How fast do you implement what you have heard? The faster you implement, the sooner you will begin to see success. This does not mean everything is correct, just implemented.

My last piece of advise would be imagination. Keep igniting your imagination to soar and evolve. Keep dreaming again and again. Keep seeing yourself thriving and becoming. Imagination is so powerful when it comes to success. The power of our imagination is an underutilized tool and often omitted. When placed in its proper place, imagination is a string board of wealth. It is our creativity engine.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success to me means that I am carrying out my God assignment. I believe we have been given God assignments and our success in life is directly connected to the completion of that assignment.

Success tells fear I see you and I am still doing it. In other words, you will not stop me.

What’s next for you?

I am excited that what’s next for me includes starting a foundation that supports the self care for parents of children with autism. Being an autism warrior mom, has this has given me an insight into a community that I did not sign up for but a community that has given me such joy. We are fortunate. I want to raise awareness to those that “suffer in silence” without support and care for themselves. This has been in my heart to do for a while and I am excited that the time has come.

I believe I have two more books on the horizon. One on women leadership and a sequel book to my Mastering Transitions that was written in 2018. Additionally, many have asked if I would consider writing a book around the journey of being an autism warrior mom. I am open and we will see which book wins!

My academy for women leaders- The Ambidextrous Woman is moving forward with new cohorts as we continue to grow. This 12 month mentorship for women leaders is intense , full of accountability, and all of the strategies to support these leaders in creating profitable streams of income.

Lastly, look for our new podcast coming soon that support women leaders by providing a space for women leaders to catch their breath and have a selah moment. We will focus on building women leaders through this platform of education and empowerment.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

You can connect with me at the following
IG: @dr.moniqueflemings
LinkedIn: @dr.moniqueflemings

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