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American Business Stars


Single Mother Determined To Beat The Odds

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sadie Evans .

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

Well, I would say GRACE was the foundation for me being the woman that I am today. I am someone who was raised in a toxic environment, which led me to seek out environments that were toxic because that’s all I knew, which made it comfortable for me. As I aged, I started finding out and loving who I was, which led me to want more out of life, and the more I wanted required me to do some inner work, and that inner work caused me to discover what my calling was, which led me to walk in my purpose. It was so rewarding for me that I knew I had to give individuals the tools so that they could experience this freedom as well. Knowing that was my duty pushed me to birth my seven books, my podcast, and my coaching business. I was and actually still am determined to transform the lives of everyone I come in contact with, with the hopes they will transform the lives of the ones they come in contact with. This is more than a business for me; it’s my calling, which ultimately will fulfill the purpose that I have.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Whewww Success is hard work, lol, and I mean that in every aspect, although it’s not all physical work; it’s mental, emotional, financial, and most of all spiritual.

I’ve overcome many obstacles, mainly ones that I created for myself due to my limited beliefs. Success is different for everyone; however, what success is to me is something that I did not see growing up, so I had no standard to measure by. I literally had to teach myself how to heal, how to be a good steward over my money, how to set healthy boundaries, and how to persevere through those days my account was empty or those days I wanted a yes but got a no. However, growing through that and learning that life isn’t always easy when you are on your way to the top has built my character. I know I have the tools I need to withstand the storms that come with success, because there will definitely be storms.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I specialize in mindset coaching; I help individuals get to the root of their limited beliefs so that they can design the life they deserve. I honestly don’t feel I have competition, and I stand by that, because what is for me is for me and me only, and vice versa. I believe I am the perfect person for the consumer who is able to receive for me. I am open, honest, and relatable. I feel I have what it takes to help my consumers heal, process, forgive, and grow through any obstacle that they have faced, not only through knowledge but also through wisdom. I am the perfect coach for the consumer who is finally tired of making excuses, and they understand that I cannot fix their lives AT ALL, but I can give them practical tools that they can apply to their lives in order to fix their own lives.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

I would say, “Stop searching outside of yourself for validation!” Because the moment you decide to look outside of you for value is the moment you give your rights away to authentically be YOU! Your value is within you, and until you first of all find out who you are and love who you are, flaws and all, you will not achieve true success. Unless, of course, success is tangible to you. Success is bigger than a nice car, a nice home, and money in the bank for me, although I desire those things for my life. This advice is for those that measure success similar to the way I measure success.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success is a very subjective word and even experience, because to me, success means good health, which would give me the strength I need to obtain money. Success is having a healthy relationship with family and friends, whom I can run to when life is kicking my butt. Success is me being at peace with the choices I’ve made in my life. Success also means to me being able to watch my children thrive in their life because of the environment I created for them.

What’s next for you?

So much! My next is ABUNDANCE if I had to give you one word. Abundance in every aspect of my life.

I plowed (prayed & worked) for many years, I shed tears that watered the soil and I’ve patiently waited for this harvest and now it’s here, so I am basking in this moment with great joy because I know this wasn’t given to me by man but only by the grace of God that is on my life.


Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

People can follow me on

Instagram and Facebook @sadiemaeevans_coaching

LinkedIn @Sadie Evans

Download and stream my podcast on all platforms it’s called Soul Food with Sadie

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